Sheep - Melody & Echoes - 2022
David Paton - Vocals, E.Guitar, E.Bass, E&A Piano, Strings Synthesizer, Ukulele, Organ,Tambourine, Percussions,
Keyboards, Drums Programing, (Out of the blue(Drums- Dave Stewart// Guitar - Calais Brown)
David Paton - Words and music -
Only love//Midnight limelight//Like or not//Isolated//Waitng for you//Out of the blue
David Paton- Hisa Tanaka - Words and music - Happy traveller//Time machine
David Paton- Tadashi Horio - Words and music - Raindrops//Melody in mind
David Paton- Music - Tanya O´Sullivan and Anne Mary Tripolone - Words -Sing to myself