Half invisible man
Nobody cares about the man,
You know his home´s a caravana,
Sleep in a sack and sits upon the riverbank,
Do you know where he wants to do?
He knows where he is going to?
Some people call him the Half invisible Man.
It´s he funny?
Humiliation, but inspiration,
His Money like his dreams is already gone.
I myself believe he´s just the same as anybody else
So let the light in.
To be or not to be, and standing high,
No value to Half invisible man
If only you could show the way,
He´s at a loose end all the day,
Just swigging wine, I think he´s drinking all the time
It´s funny?
In isolation, tattered emotion
Money from begging but it´s already gone
I feel that he´s like a tumbling lite in a cloudly day
So let in the light in.
To be or not to be, and standing high,
No value to Half invisible man
Is it funny?
Humiliation, but inspiration,
His Money like his dreams is already gone.
I myself believe he´s just the same as anybody else
So let the light in.
Fading away like newspaper thrown from a window
Half Invisible Man
I feel that he´s like a tumbling lite in the cloudly day
So let the light in
To be or not to be, and standing high,
No value to Half Invisible Man
