Rising sun in Galston

Mauchline Holy Fair

The holy fair

Upon a simmer Sunday morn,
When Nature´s face is fair,
I walked forth to view the corn,
An´ snuff the calor air,
The rising sun, owre Galston muirs,
Wi´ glorious light was glintan,
The hares were hirplan don the furrs,
The lav´rocks they were chantan
Fu´ sweet that day

As lightsomely I glowr´d abroad,
To see a scene sae gay,
Three hizzies, early at the road,
Cam skelplan up the way,
Twa had manteeles o´dolefu´black,
But ane wi´ lyart lining;
The third, that gaed a wee aback,
Was in the fashion shining

Fu´ sweer that day,
The twa appear´d like sisters twin,
Infeature, form and claes,
Their visage wither´d lang an´ thin,
An´ wi´a curchie low did stoop,
As soon as e´er she saw me,
Fu´ kind that day.

wi´bonner aff, ye seem to ken me;
I´m sure I´ve seen that bonnie face,
But yet I canna name thee.
Quo´she, an´ laughan as she spark,
An´ taks me by the hands,
Ye, for my sake, hae gien the feck
Of a´the tem commands
A screed some day.

My name is Fun- your cronie dear,
The nearest friend ye hae,
An´ this Superstition here,
An´ this is hypocrisy;
I´m gaun to Mouchline holy fair,
To spend an hourindaffin;
Gin ye´ll go there, yon runkl´d pair,
We will get famous laughin
At then this day.

Quoth I with a´ my heart, I´ll do´t;
I´ll get my Sunday´s sark on,
An´ meet you on the holy spot;
Faith we´se hae fine remarkiin!
Then I gaed hame, at crowdie-time,
An´soon I made me ready;
For roads were clad, frae side to side,
Wi´monie a weary body,
In droves that day.

How monie hearts this day converts,
O´sinners and o´Lasses!
Their hearts o´stane, gin night are gane
As saft as one flesh is.
There´s some are fu´o´love devine;
There´s some are fu´o´brandy;
An´ monie Jobs that day begin,
May end in Houghmagandie
Some ither day

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