Loch Lomond

O whither away, my bonnie maid,
Sae late, and sae far, in the gloamin´,
The mist gathers grey, oér moorland and brae,
O whither sae far are you roamin´

O ye´ll tak the high road an´ I´ll tak the low,
I´ll be in Scotland afore ye,
For me and my true love will never meet again,
By the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond

I trusted my ane love, last night in the broom,
My Donald, wha loves me sae daerly, For the morrow he´ll march for Edinburgh toon,
Tae fight for his king Prince Charlie.

O weel may I weep, for yestreem in my sleep,
We stood bride an´ bridegroom together,
But his arms and his breath, were as cold as the death,
And jis heart´s blood ran red in the hearter.

As dauntless in battle, as tender in love,
Did yeild ner a foot tae the foe man,
But never again, frae the fields o´the slain,
To his Myra will he come by Loch Lomond

The thistle my bloom, the king hae his aim,
And fond lovers will meet in the gloamin´,
And me and my true bonnie banks o´Loch Lomond

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Loch Lomond